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Panama exceeds 12,000 confirmed cases of dengue fever

Panama exceeds 12,000 confirmed cases of dengue fever
Photo: Decisiones Panamá

November 27 |

The Panamanian Ministry of Health (Minsa), through its Department of Epidemiology, reported on Saturday that about 12,233 cases of dengue have been recorded in the country so far this year 2023, also confirming two new deaths totaling ten deaths from this disease.

The health agency stated that the regions with the most confirmed cases of dengue are Bocas del Toro, with 3,246 cases; Colon, with 2,461; Panama Metro, with 1,584; Panama Oeste, with 1,200 and Chiriqui, with 1,093.

The Minsa has launched a campaign to eradicate the impact of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, the main carriers of the disease, reiterating the importance of keeping the residential sector and the work environment clean, installing metal grilles on doors and windows, checking them gradually, as well as searching for vector breeding sites.

Dengue, a viral infection for which there is currently no specific treatment, has long affected tropical and subtropical regions. As mosquitoes are the main transmitters, early detection and urgent medical attention is important to reduce severe symptoms and mortality.

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The treatment suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) is limited to treating the symptoms and preventing the development of serious manifestations, as well as dehydration of the patient. Antipyretics should be administered to combat high fever and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and aspirin) should be avoided because of the risk of hemorrhage.

Symptoms may include fever over 40 °C, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, in the muscles and joints, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands and rash. Most patients do not develop severe symptoms, but vigilance should be redoubled, especially after four days of convalescence.

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Central America

Dengue outbreak in Central America claims 100 Lives, Guatemala hardest hit

In April, the WHO warned that dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases are now spreading much farther and wider from their usual areas due to the effects of climate change.

A hundred deaths have been attributed to a dengue outbreak in Central America this year, with Guatemala being the hardest hit country, responsible for half of the fatalities, health officials reported on Friday.

In Guatemala, 50 people have died from dengue and over 43,000 cases have been reported, nearly six times more than the same period last year, according to a Ministry of Health report.

In Honduras, there have been 29 deaths and around 60,000 cases, while Panama has recorded 12 deaths and over 5,700 cases, with 40 classified as severe, according to official figures.

In El Salvador, three children have died from dengue and there are approximately 3,700 suspected cases.

Costa Rica has reported no deaths but more than 11,000 confirmed cases of the disease. Nicaragua reported only 196 cases with no deaths.

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Bukele and Argentine Minister Bullrich exchange their experiences on security

President Nayib Bukele received the Minister of Security of Argentina, Patricia Bullrich, in San Salvador, on Tuesday in a private meeting in which they exchanged their experiences on security and the fight against drug trafficking.

The Presidential House of El Salvador reported in an X message about the meeting that is part of a tour of the Central American country of the Argentine minister to “know the security methods” implemented by the Government of Bukele.

He added, without providing details, that “cooperation on security issues is getting closer and closer and we are sure that it will contribute to the well-being of both nations.”

For its part, the Ministry of Security of Argentina also indicated in X that Bullrich shared with the Salvadoran president about “the management that is being carried out in the fight against mafias and drug trafficking.”

In addition, he pointed out that the minister learned more about “the successful Salvadoran model” in reference to an emergency regime implemented to fight gangs.

He added that Bullrich also met with the vice president of El Salvador, Félix Ulloa, and thanked him for his collaboration in the visit made by the South American entourage.

In two days of visit to El Salvador, Bullrich visited the megaprison of the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (Cecot), met with the heads of the Police and the Attorney General’s Office.

Bullrich, the former electoral rival of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, congratulated Bukele on Tuesday through a video for “resturing peace and tranquility” to his country.

The administration of Milei and Bukele are close after the Argentine president assumed his position as president.

Milei was in El Salvador on June 1 in the context of Bukele’s inauguration for a second consecutive term despite being prohibited in the Constitution.

The security policy of the Bukele Government, which has broad popular support, has focused since 2022 on the suspension of constitutional guarantees and mass arrests of alleged gang members through an emergency regime.

This measure was approved by the Legislative Assembly at the request of the Executive in March 2022 after an escalation of murders that claimed the lives of more than 80 people in three days attributed to the gangs, but that journalistic investigations of the media El Faro indicate that it took place after the rupture of a pact between these gangs and the Government.

In fact, the United States Government has sanctioned officials of the Bukele Executive on accusations of coordinating meetings with gang members.

The aforementioned regime has left more than 80,000 arrests and more than 6,000 allegations of human rights violations, including arbitrary arrests and torture.

Humanitarian organizations have also reported more than 300 deaths of detainees, most of them with signs of violence.

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Environment warns that all the rivers of El Salvador have a “high probability of overflows”

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Marn) warned, on Monday, that due to the constant rains and the amount of water accumulated in the soils, all the rivers of El Salvador have a “very high probability of overflows.”

“The observatory reports that all the rivers in our country have a chance of overflowing due to the accumulation of water in the ground and high levels,” the Marn wrote in his account of X.

The institution emphasized on making the call not to cross rivers, ravines or lakes, because the rebounds of the currents can cause people to drag and cause them to die.

El Marn also indicated that due to the heavy rains and humidity in the soils there is a high probability of urban flooding, overflows of ravines and flooding.

El Salvador  has been hit by constant stormy rains since Friday, but which intensified on Saturday. These climatic conditions, according to the Environment, continue to be associated with the depressive camp in the northwest of Central America, with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ZCI), which are bringing moisture to the country.

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