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Argentine: Cristina Kirchner, actrice et victime de la crispation politique



Adulée comme une “mère” politique à la fibre sociale, ou honnie comme une populiste corrompue, Cristina Kirchner reste, sept ans après avoir quitté la présidence argentine, une figure incontournable et influente d’une politique polarisée, crispée, qui l’a vue jeudi échapper à un attentat.

Depuis 11 jours, la vice-présidente vit sous la menace de 12 ans de prison et d’une inéligibilité à vie, requis lors d’un procès pour corruption, dans une affaire de marchés publics dans son fief de Santa Cruz (sud), pendant ses présidences (2007-2015). Des pertes pour l’Etat évaluées à 5,2 milliards de pesos (38 millions de dollars) selon l’accusation.

Pour autant depuis 11 jours, c’est à s’y méprendre la péroniste de centre-gauche qui a l’intitiative, ressoudant sur son sort un bloc gouvernemental pourtant divisé sur l’économie, laissant la presse de tous bords suspendue à ses faits et gestes, et semant la zizanie dans l’opposition sur la stratégie idoine, à un an d’une présidentielle.

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Avec défi, aplomb, elle s’est posée en victime d’”un procès politique” par une justice selon elle instrumentalisée par l’opposition de droite. Qui, comme elle l’a clamé à ses partisans venus la chanter à son domicile, veut “exterminer” le péronisme” dont ils “haïssent l’amour et la joie”.

Veuve du président Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) qui a laissé chez nombre d’Argentins la gratitude d’une normalité retrouvée après le traumatisme de la “grande crise” de 2001, Cristina a longtemps cultivé le souvenir de son mari, décédé en 2010 et dans le sillage duquel elle a été élue en 2007, puis réélue en 2011.

– Diabolisée, diabolisante –

Tous deux s’étaient connus en fac de droit. Puis devenus avocats, ont vécu et travaillé ensemble. Dans la province de Santa Cruz en Patagonie, leur fief électoral, puis dans la capitale, après l’élection de Nestor à la présidence.

Leur projet était d’alterner à la tête de l’Argentine. “Nous pensions qu’il était nécessaire d’assurer dans le temps un processus politique vertueux de transformation du pays”, écrivait-elle dans son livre “Sincèrement”.

Au pouvoir, Mme Kirchner a imposé un contrôle des changes et des restrictions aux importations, s’est brouillée avec les puissants producteurs agricoles, a mené une politique sociale généreuse, et était proche de Lula au Brésil et d’Hugo Chavez au Venezuela.

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Ses mandats ont vu aussi s’approuver le mariage homosexuel, une loi sur l’autodétermination de genre, une écoute accrue à la cause des femmes, faisant de l’Argentine une pionnière en Amérique latine.

Tour a tour combative, émouvante, cabotine, sarcastique, “CFK”, qui ne dédaigne pas les tailleurs de renom, est aussi une oratrice avérée qui éclipse régulièrement à l’applaudimètre “son” président, Alberto Fernandez. Et reste pour nombre d’Argentins, de milieux populaires mais pas seulement, associée à un volontarisme social, une forme de “quoi qu’il en coûte”.

Mais pour ses adversaires, dont son grand rival le libéral Mauricio Macri, qui lui succéda la présidence (2015-2019), “CFK” est l’incarnation d’un clientélisme redistributif pathologique, qui maintient l’Argentine dans un marasme économique. Et n’est pas la dernière à diaboliser ses opposants.

M. Macri, qui a promptement et sans réserve condamné l’attentat jeudi, estimait il y cinq jours encore, après des heurts entre police et partians de Cristina, qu’elle est “seule responsable des débordements et du trouble à l’ordre publique (…) bafouant les institutions, se croyant au-dessus des lois, se plaçant en victime pour provoquer le chaos”.

– “Cristina incontournable” –

Ces dernières années, Cristina Kirchner a été mise en cause dans une dizaine de dossiers distincts, entre pots-de-vins, blanchiment de fonds ou entrave à la justice. Elle a bénéficié de non-lieux, mais cinq procédures restent en cours.

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Et pour spectaculaire et fusionnelle que soit sa relation avec un noyau dur de fidèles, son étoile a pâli. Si elle peut revendiquer au mieux un quart de l’électorat, le rejet qu’elle suscite est bien plus large, conviennent maints analystes.

“Elle ne peut gagner une élection nationale (…) elle le sait et tout le péronisme le sait”, analysait pour l’AFP Raul Aragon. Mais dans une élection primaire, Cristina “pèse ces 25%”, et dans son camp, “aucun ticket (présidentiel en 2023) ne pourra se faire sans l’accord de Cristina”. Comme en 2019.

“Cristina incontournable”, résumait cette semaine Infobae, site d’information argentin habituellement critique du gouvernement. Un constat que l’attentat de jeudi n’est pas près d’altérer.

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The United States accuses Russia of using chemical weapons against Ukraine

The U.S. State Department determined that Russia has used chemical weapons against Ukraine with agents that constitute a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CAQ) and will impose sanctions on those responsible.

The United States determined that Russia has used chloropicrin, a pesticide used as a suffocating gas in World War I and banned internationally. He has used it in Ukraine to force the departure of troops from fortified positions.

For this reason, the United States has imposed new sanctions on individuals and organizations related to this use of chemical weapons.

“We make this determination, in addition to our conclusion that Russia has used riot control agents as a method of war in Ukraine, also a violation of the CAQ,” the State Department said.

The United States considers that the use of this chemical armament is not isolated and “is probably driven by the desire of the Russian forces to expel Ukrainian forces from fortified positions and achieve tactical advances on the battlefield.”

The Treasury and State Departments sanctioned two people, six Russian entities and four companies. All associated with Russia’s chemical and biological weapons programs.

Chloropicrin is used as a tear agent, but it is prohibited in armed conflicts. In a trench war you can’t escape its effects and you can suffocate.

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Trump promises the largest deportation of migrants in history, “they are going to destroy the country”

The former president of the United States and Republican pre-candidate Donald Trump promised to carry out the “highest deportation” of migrants in the country’s history if he returns to the White House after the elections on November 5, because “they are going to destroy the country.”

“Allowing the entry through the southern border of millions and millions of people, many of them very bad, is not sustainable. They are going to destroy the country. We are going to do the biggest deportation in history. We have no other choice,” he said at a campaign rally in Waukesha, in the key state of Wisconsin.

The former president once again accused his rival, Democratic President Joe Biden, of having applied an open border policy during the last four years that has resulted in an “invasion” of migrants.

Trump made these statements a day after an interview with Time magazine was published in which he detailed that he plans to deploy the Army to persecute and detain undocumented migrants if he wins the elections.

In the same interview, he did not rule out the possibility of building new migrant detention camps. Although he did not point it out as a priority since his plan is to deport them quickly.

Trump, who won the elections in 2016 after promising to build a wall on the border with Mexico, has put migration back at the center of his campaign, which has become one of the issues of greatest concern for voters.

The Republican took advantage of a pause in the open criminal trial he has in New York to campaign in Wisconsin and Michigan. Places where he is practically tied with Biden in the polls.

The New York tycoon already visited these two states in the midwest of the country in April and then also insisted on the issue of migration, since he accused the current president of having caused a “bloodbath at the border.”

The Biden Administration annulled Trump’s policy that facilitated the return of hot migrants. It launched humanitarian permit programs for people from several countries, while restricting asylum applications at the border.

More than two million people were arrested last year when crossing the southern border of the United States irregularly.

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‘Gaby’ Carrizo, the unpopular ruling presidential candidate for the Presidency of Panama

José Gabriel Carrizo, the current Panamanian vice president, better known as ‘Gaby’, aspires to the historic Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) to lead Panama again for another five years after next Sunday’s elections, in which he participates with low popularity rates.

Carrizo, the ruling party’s candidate for the Presidency in conjunction with the Molinera party, and who this Wednesday closes his campaign in Panama City, is at the queue of the polls among the five candidates with options, although the strong base of the PRD in the country, the party of the iconic general Omar Torrijos, cannot be underestimated.

The polls that ‘Gaby’ does lead are those of rejection, with between 50% and 60% of the participants in some surveys who assured that they would “never” vote for him.

“Don’t eat a story (…) we are going to win the elections in a forceful way,” Carrizo said on Wednesday at the closing ceremony of the campaign before a mass of members of the PRD, and assured that the polls “really that they do not want to publish” predict that triumph.

A lawyer by profession, he has been a member of the majority party of Panama since 2007 and in 2019 he became the youngest vice president in Panamanian history at just 36 years old, after Laurentino Cortizo won that year’s elections.

‘Gaby’, 40, has had a lot of visibility within the Executive, which has led to it being popularly pointed out as one of the main faces behind the different scandals that have enveloped the current Government since its inception and that increased with the COVID-19 pandemic.

That year, Carrizo defended the transparent management of the $1,457 million approved during 2020 to combat the pandemic in Panama.

Carrizo has also had a step run over by the presidential debates or during interviews with some media, when making mistakes when explaining his proposals, defending for example that “Panama is safer than France” or that they want to “pass Panama from the first world to the third world.”

This triggered a wave of jokes on social networks that the same candidate used in his favor to campaign with humor, a tone of his political strategy.

In the third and final debate he made the decision not to participate, arguing that José Raúl Mulino, candidate who leads the polls for the Realizing Goals party and substitute for the disabled former President Ricardo Martinelli (2009 – 2014), did not join the debate, as he had not done in the previous ones.

“In the case of the vice president candidate, I think he was looking for an excuse not to come because the last interventions have really been disastrous for him,” José Blandón, the running mate for vice president of Rómulo Roux of Democratic Change, told EFE after the debate.

The youngest of the eight candidates for the Presidency, starts with his main proposal to reduce the working week by maintaining 40 hours in fewer days, a system similar to the one already implemented in some European countries: “Work four days, pound three,” he says on his advertising posters and social networks.

Carrizo has given continuous mass baths in the provinces of Panama during his campaign explaining his electoral promises, which include that cut in working days, salary increases – including for security groups -, free medicines and promotion of tourism, among others.

“When you ask how much 4×8 is (referring to the ruling you had in one of the debates by saying 40 and not 32) answer that there are a thousand sticks (tickets) for your pocket,” the candidate shouts eagerly in one of his videos.

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